kW Xport: 3dsmax v8 .X exporter version 1.1 released!

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23 comments, last by 17 years, 2 months ago
I've recently revved the kW X-porter for 3dsmax version 8. It now uses includes version 2.2 of the IGame DLL, and also adds a bunch of features (such as the ability to export a .FX file reference). If you've previously had crashing with Physique rigged meshes, or multiple texture UV channels, then this version fixes those crashes. I'm using this exporter for my project, and I can recommend it over the PandaSoft exporter, because it's more correct. I can also recommend it over the DirectX SDK exporter, beacuse it actually supports animations and a host of other features :-) Get it here for totally free! Sorry, I don't have a version for 3dsmax9 at this time.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Good timing! (The content pipeline consumes X and FBX, so people are going to need X exporters.)
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
You rock! We've been using the pandasoft one for some time, I'll be sure to check yours out.
I am not sure why but...

I downloaded your exporter while browsing the forums. I installed it while using 3ds, closed it when it prompted to. However, when trying to use 3ds Max and export my model with 3ds Max I am encountering errors out of no where. I noticed that the installer downloads a package off the internet. What exactly is this package, it may be causing conflicts with panda exporter :/
Dave G.http://www.higstudios.comProjects:Project BU - Fast action pvp MOG
The package it downloads is the actual installer (or, perhaps, the MSVC 8 runtime libraries, if you haven't installed those previously).

I have made a new version available (version 1.1.1), that I have debugged with the XNA content pipeline. I recommend upgrading.
This version also has various coordinate space flipping options, to suit anyone (left-handed/right-handed, V-up/V-down).

It's possible that the Panda exporter uses an older version of the IGame exporter, and the latest version that kW installs may not be backwards compatible. IGame is a DLL that comes from 3dsmax, but which has had a lot of bugs, and thus they've released newer versions several times.

A warning, though: there are several bugs in the XNA Beta 2 Content Pipeline import code. One of the bugs is that it loses the correlation between vertex buffer bone indices and bone node indices -- meaning that skinning just can't do the right thing. (There are also several other bugs, which have work-arounds)
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
I am really wanting to try this version out because the pandasoft plugin does not support animated scenes. However, it seems the webserver for the project is laggy/unresponsive. Is there any possibility you can send the installer MSI to me (for MAX8)? My email is
Also, I can host a copy of the file if it can help others out.
Hi Jon,

first I have to thank you for your effort to create
a new powerfull xfile exporter for 3dsmax.
Well, since PandaSoft seems to be dead(for the last 6 month),
your exporter is the only serious way to
export stuff from 3dsmax to xfiles.

But now some issues:
- all bones, which are listed inside the skin-modifier of an object, must
be selected before "export selected" => else CRASH

- all bones , which are part of an animation ,
must be selected before "export selected" => else CRASH
Question: Is there any way to disconnect bones , which are animated together,
by kwXPort ?

- sometimes inverted normals without any reason => only "reset transform"
helps , why ?

- skinned meshes, which are combined with IK and "helper objects", won't be
exported correctly => corrupt xfile
Question: is there any reason?

In the next few days I'll continue testing since I want to help you
improving the exporter(I believe in you ;).
The other reasons is that I'm lead artist of Dreamworld Development
and I finished the "dummy" character some days ago, which must be skinned
and animated now.

So, I hope you'll find enough time for bugfixing ;)

"I'll be back"

Oh thanks a lot. BTW i use 5th max at home do you have an exporter for it?

.. and where do you get an MD3 importer for max?

Thanks for the feedback.

I have just released an updated version for 3ds Max 9, which I've actually tested on Max 9 (having finally upgraded).

I'll look into the Export Selected bugs.

Regarding the skinned mesh with IK limit and helpers: what is the problem you're seeing? I use that method for my own characters (helpers for bones, and various animation limits), and it seems to work allright. I mostly use text mode files, but there should be little to no difference.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Hi Jon

Well, you asked me for a more detailed explanation of the issues I mentioned last time.
The most problems I got occured when exporting skinned(and also animated) stuff.
Below you find some problems, but first I'll give some system information:
- WinXP SP2
- 3DSMax 8 SP3
- IGame.dll (
- kW X-port 1.1(should be newest version for 3DSMax8)


>> meshes/bones/whatever which are connected with helpers(e.g. circles,..) always cause the exporter to crash
---> especially bones linked to helpers let the exporter crash(no matter whether the helpers were selected or not before "export selected")

>> IK-solvers linked to helpers cause an exporter crash when they're exported together(IK+Helper)
---> but without helpers everything seems to be ok

>> when using the DEFAULT mirror command(upper toolbar) in 3DSMax for bone hierarchies I always got wrong
animated(inverted transform or similar) and inverted polys on the mirrored hierarchy side after export
---> the only way for mirroring the hierarchies is to use the extra "mirror"-button in the "Bone Utility"-dialog-> then everything looks fine

>> strange bug/problem:
Few months ago I made a monster(a huge fat bug) which was exported with the Panda exporter without significant problems.
I tried to export it with kwXPort but the result was a corrupted XFile ?!?
After some hours of decomposing I found the reason for the problem:
There were some poly rings of the feelers which were virtually invisible since the restricting edge loops were nearly on top of each other.
That means the surface area of these polys was about zero(maybe problems with sub-float precision).
Furthermore, the problem only appeared if there were some bones and IKs in scene ?!?
Well, there's no doubt that this was a modelling mistake by me but it's interesting why there were no problems with the Panda exporter.
--> some kind of strange , isn't it ?


Since I'm not sure whether you can comprehend the issues I mentioned above I've created a set of scenes which demonstrate the specific problems.
I'd like to send it by eMail but I'm afraid of your "killer" spam filter ;)
In addition, some advices(especially skinned meshes,IK-solutions) would be quite helpful for all users of kwXPort.

That's everything for the moment concerning your exporter.
Again I want to thank you for your effort and I'm really interested in any compensation for it(some exclusive screenshots of our current project
called "Splitterwelten" which can also be found in the GameDev-gallery or maybe a playable version next summer).

Last but not least I wish you, your family , all kwXPort-users and the whole GameDev-community Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

see you soon

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