Seeking translators to translate a few lines

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36 comments, last by Revelation60 16 years, 4 months ago
Hello, In my open-source game Sokoban 3D it is possible to change the language to your own, if a language pack is available. Until now, Sokoban 3D can only be played in English or Dutch. I would really appreciate it if someone could translate the following lines into other languages:

New game
Select a levelset:
Select a level:
Time elapsed:
Game paused
Full screen:
Some changes will take effect when Sokoban 3D is restarted
The goal of Sokoban is to move@boxes to marked positions.@Note that you can only push!
The controls:
Camera movement
Arrow keys
Player movement
Undo move
Redo move 
Next level
Previous level
Return to menu
Right mouse button
Hold to rotate
Left mouse button
Go to designated position
Scroll button
Zoom in/out
Toggle wall visibility
If you write a translation, your name will be added on the credits page of the website. ps: the @ sign tells the application to start a new line. [Edited by - Revelation60 on December 2, 2007 9:28:03 AM]
Currently working on WalledIn
Here's french (Français) :

Nouvelle partieOptionsAideQuitterRetourChoisissez un ensemble de niveaux:Choisissez un niveau:Mouvements:Poussées:Temps écoulé:PrécédentSuivantAnnulerRefaireNiveauPauseMusique:Résolution:VSync:Anti-alias:Filtrage anisotropique:Plein écran:OuiNonCertains changements ne prendront effet que lorsque Sokoban 3D sera relancéLangue:But:Le but de Sokoban 3D est de déplacer@des boites aux endroits indiqués.@Notez que vous ne pouvez que pousser!Les contrôles:Mouvement de la caméraFlèchesMouvement du joueurAnnuler le mouvementRefaire le mouvementNiveau suivantNiveau précédentRetourner au menuBouton droit de la sourisTenir enfoncé pour tournerBouton gauche de la sourisAller à l'endroit désignéRoue de la sourisZoom avant/arrièreChanger la visibilité des mursRecommencer

I like sokoban games!

This translation seems good to me but I'd have to see the texts in the actual game to have all the contexts and see if there is anything to tweak. You can mail me for a final checkup once the french text will be integrated in the game. Also, you can contact me if you need anything else.

[edit] Write my name in the credits if you want, it doesn't matter much to me : Tristan Labelle

[Edited by - Trillian on May 19, 2007 9:01:34 AM]
Here's Swedish (Svenska):

Nytt spelInställningarHjälpAvslutaTillbakaVälj ett banset:Välj en bana:Steg:Knuffar:Förfluten tid:FöregåendeNästaÅngraGör omBanaPausMusik:Upplösning:VSync:Kantutjämning:Anisotropisk:Helskärm:JaNejNågra ändringar kommer börja gälla när Sokoban3D startas omSpråk:Mål:Målet i Sokoban är att flytta@boxarna till de markerade platserna.@Tänk på att du bara kan knuffa!Kontrollerna:Kamera förflyttningPiltangenternaFörflyttningarÅngra stegGör om stegNästa banaFöregående banaTill menynHöger musknappHåll för att roteraVänster musknappGå till den angivna positionenScrollhjuletZooma in/utSätt på/av synliga väggarStarta om
Check out my devlog.
German (Deutsch):

Neues SpielEinstellungenHilfeBeendenZurückLevel-Pack auswählenLevel auswählenSchritteVerschiebungenVergangene ZeitZurückWeiterRückgängigWiederherstellenLevelSpiel pausiertMusikAuflösungVSyncAnti-aliasAnisotropischVollbildJaNeinEinige Änderungen wirken sich erst aus, wenn Sokoban 3D neugestartet wirdSpracheZielDas Ziel von Sokoban ist es, Kisten an die markierten Positionen zu bewegen. Hinweis: Es kann nur geschoben, nicht gezogen werden.SteuerungKamerabewegungPfeiltastenSpielerbewegungSchritt rückgängig machenSchitt wiederherstellenNächstes LevelVorheriges LevelZurück zum MenüRechte MaustasteZum Drehen gedrückt haltenLinke MaustasteZur vorgegebenen Position gehenBildlaufschaltflächeEin-/AuszoomenWände ein-/ausblendenZurücksetzen

My translation for "visiblity walls" is a wild guess, because I had no idea what that might be ;-)

[Edited by - Harry Hunt on May 19, 2007 2:15:16 PM]
Here is Danish (dansk):
Nyt spilIndstillingerHjælpAfslutTilbageVælg et banesæt:Vælg en bane:Antal træk:Antal skub:Tid gået:ForrigeNæsteFortrydGentagBaneSpil standsetMusik:Opløsning:VSync:Antialias:Anisotropisk:Fuld skærm:JaNejNogle ændringer vil først gælde når Sokoban 3D er genstartetSprog:Mål:Målet med Sokoban er at flytte@kasser til markerede positioner.@Bemærk at du kun kan skubbe!Kontrollerne:Kamera bevægelsePiletasterneSpiller bevægelseFortryd trækGentag trækNæste baneForrige baneTil menuenHøjre museknapHold inde for at rotereVenstre museknapGå til den angivne positionScrollhjuletZoom ind/udSlå synlighedsvægge til/fraGenstart

As Trillian said it can be hard to be sure without context. For example you have "Moves:" and "Pushes:" and I assumed it is supposed to be used for the number of moves and pushes (there is a difference in some languages). Also there are many kind of moves; you kan move somewhere and you can have a move in a board game. The words are the same in English, but in Danish we have two different words. With "Moves:", "Undo move" and "Redo move" I assumed we were talking about specific moves, as in games, but with "camera movement" and "player movement" I assumed we were talking about actually moving something around.

Apart from those I don't think there were any phrases were I was in doubt about what words to use.
Thank you all very much for your translations! This is great :D

With moves and pushes, indeed, the moves of the player is meant.

There is a slight complication with the font I use, because it only supports basic English characters, so no umlauts or Swedisch characters. So I have to find a new font, and I will, since I will make sure that your effort will not be for nothing.

By the way, you can test your own translations in-game by placing your language file in the Data/languages folder. It must have this structure:

-1.05, -0.85, -0.57, -0.26, -0.0

The first line contains the X coordinates of menu items in the in-game menu (since the width of the text can vary between languages). The second line has the width of the menu.

Again thank you! :)


Quote:My translation for "visiblity walls" is a wild guess, because I had no idea what that might be ;-)

With this I mean that you can turn the walls on or off, so you can see through them.

edit2: if anyone knows a nice font that supports your own characters too, you can give me the name :)
Currently working on WalledIn
Quote:Original post by Revelation60
Quote:My translation for "visiblity walls" is a wild guess, because I had no idea what that might be ;-)

With this I mean that you can turn the walls on or off, so you can see through them.

edit2: if anyone knows a nice font that supports your own characters too, you can give me the name :)

I'd write "Wände ein-/ausblenden" then, instead of "Sichtbarkeit ein-/ausblenden" and "Schritt rückgäng machen" should be "Schritt rückgängig machen" ;)
Spanish translation (Español)

Juego NuevoOpcionesAyudaSalirAtrasSeleccionar un set de niveles:Seleccionar un nivel:Movimientos:Empujones:Tiempo transcurrido:AnteriorSiguienteDeshacerRehacerNivelJuego PausadoMúsica:Resolución:Sincronía Vertical:Anti-alias:Anisotropic:Pantalla completa:SiNoAlgunos cambios tomarán efecto cuando Sokoban 3D sea reiniciadoLenguaje:Objetivo:El objetivo de Sokoban es mover@cajas a las posiciones marcadas.@ Notesé que usted solo puede empujar!Los controles:Movimiento de cámaraTeclas de flechasMovimiento del jugadorDeshacer movimientoRehacer movimientoNivel siguienteNivel anteriorRegresar al menúBotón derecho del ratónMantenga presionado para rotarBotón izquierdo del ratónIr a la posición designadaBotón de ruedaAcercar/AlejarHabilitar paredes invisiblesReiniciar

Some words depend on the context of the game, so I'm not pretty sure of some. And about Scroll Button, I'm not sure if that's the correct traduction... either way you can PM me in case that you need a correction...

Keep up the good job! :)
------------------------------"Carpe Diem!""Failure is the prequel of success"_.-:Jimbo:-._
Here you go in Czech:

Nová hraNastaveníNápovědaKonec hryZpětZvolte sadu úrovní:Zvolte úroveň:Pohybů:Posunutí:Uplynutý čas:Předchozí:Následující:ZpětZnovuÚroveňHra oizastavenaHudba:Rozlišení:VSync:Anti-alias:Anisotropic:Režim celé obrazovky:AnoNeNěkteré změny se projeví až po restartu Sokobanu 3DJazyk:Cíl:Cíl Sokobanu je přesunout krabice na ozančená místa. Všimněte si, že můžete pouze tlačít!Ovládání:Pohyb kameryKurzorové šipkyPohyb hráčeVrátit pohybZopakovat pohybNásledující úroveňPředcházející úroveňNávrat do menuPravé tlačítko myšiDržte pro rotaceLevé tlačítko myšiJít na určenou poziciPosuvné tlačítkoPřiblížit / oddálitPřepnout viditelnost stěnReset

I removed the '@' signs.

Uusi peliValinnatApuaPoistuTakaisinValitse kentästö:Valitse kenttä:Liikkeitä:Työntöjä:Kulunut aika:EdellinenSeuraavaPeruToistaTasoPeli pysäytettyMusiikki:Erottelukyky:Virkistystaajuuteen lukitus:Laskostuksen esto:Anisotrooppinen suodatus:Koko näyttö:KylläEiOsa muutoksista tulee voimaan vasta Sokoban 3D:n uudelleen käynnistyksen yhteydessäKieli:Päämäärä:Sokobanin päämäärä on liikuttaa@laatikot merkittyihin paikkoihin.@Huomaa että voit vain työntää!Ohjaimet:Kameran liikuttaminenNuolinäppäimetPelaajan liikuttaminenPeru siirtoToista siirtoSeuraava tasoEdellinen tasoTakaisin menuunOikea hiirennappiPaina pyörittääksesiVasen hiirennappiMene haluttuun paikkaanVieritysrullaKatso lähempää/kauempaaKäännä seinien näkyvyys päälle/poisPalauta alkutilaan - my schtuphh

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