In-Game Advertising

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10 comments, last by PaulCesar 15 years, 10 months ago
Quote:Original post by PaulCesar
A very simple strategic "blackmail" if you will is to silently mention that this offer stands for multiple competitors, but is only available for one sponser.

Since I would be approaching smaller advertisers, I would need multiple sponsors.
The game would only have ad. placement (no brand interaction). Taking this into consideration, do I need to formulate any guidelines before approaching potential advertisers?

Cost of Data?
We will have an agreement with mobile shops so that they collect user data when they give away our free game. This data would include: Name, Place, Device Model, Ph. No and Age.

I intend to give our distribution partners incentive per user data collected. I'm having trouble quantifying this incentive!
How do I find out how much such data is worth?

You are getting into a major Grey area with that. That sort of advertising has not really proliferated into the mobile gaming (or standard gaming) arena successfully, and would DEFINITELY not cover the cost of distribution. you would be supprised the amount a smaller advertiser would be willing to pay in a brand recognition compagn. on the other hand, like a previous poster mentioned earlier, PPC/PPL campagns wont work on mobile, and good luck with the whole privacy thing, thats VERY dangerous territory.

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