You know you're a crappy programmer when...

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116 comments, last by Mantrid 15 years, 2 months ago
Quote:Original post by Daaark
when you are working on GIMP

You mean the GNU Image Manipulation Program? How is that?
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Quote:Original post by owl
Quote:Original post by Daaark
when you are working on GIMP

You mean the GNU Image Manipulation Program? How is that?
Yes, I meant GIMP. That's what I wrote. Let's not derail the thread. It's just broken in every way, shape, and form. It's an epic fail from a programming/design standpoint. Everything in it is broken and gets subpar results. I use multiple paint programs and GIMP is outclassed by them all. I just keep it around to use a few random filters (and then promptly paste the result back into my better paint programs).

Alright. It's that I just not agree with you.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Quote:Original post by ToohrVyk
You're a bad programmer if you don't know how to make your program do what you want.

This doesn't mean that bad programmers never write programs that work—but when they do, they don't know why they work.

I'm not too sure about a crappy programmer but I'm thinking you might know you're a good programmer when a sense of humor must be suspended when a logic error is present.

I don't know how accurate it is but you might be a crappy programmer if you call your self Goober something. May just be true in my life, but it seems to be compiling. There are a couple of that bad?
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You are probably a crappy programmer if ... you are writing blogs about other programmers being crappy. spend 3 months on A* and still don't get it right.
You're a bad programmer if you give up on an approach once you hit compile errors or bugs.

I know someone who does this, and instead of trying to figure out the cause of the problem he abandons the approach for something wildly different and invariably more complex. It's frustrating because the compile error or bug is usually really simple. It's just that he never bothers to spend a few minutes investigating it to unblock himself from the original, sensible solution.

Yes, there are cases where the problems aren't worth fixing, but please, at least investigate them. A smell that he hasn't investigated is when he says "it doesn't work" but is unable to elaborate.

You're a bad programmer when you waste more time playing games than work on making them.

Guilty. =(
You know you're a crappy programmer when you're not me.
You're a crappy programmer when you say: "I can't solve this".

that'd actually make you a crappy anything.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

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