I got mouse

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62 comments, last by AnotherFalseProphet 13 years, 1 month ago
For a couple of weeks I've been hearing ghostly sounds in the kitchen at night but until a couple of days I wasn't able to detect what was causing them. It happens to be a little mouse that seems to live somewhere in the house and that has become addicted to my dad's bread (I already told my dad about this). So I was just watching dexter and here it is the little bastard making bag noises in the kitchen again so I've decided to set him up with a little trap I've improvised with an olla, a fork a spoon and the bread it likes so much as bait.

Here the trap:

Is he gonna bite?
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
No. Maybe. Not likely. Get a mouse trap.


'cept, instead of cheese, use bread.

Or something.

Oh wait. I see what you did there. Little mousey's gotta climb in through the opening to obtain the bread.
In that case, yes. Maybe. More likely. Though it depends on how heavy that bowl is.
I heard you stand in want to accept such a cat.
Who has this already exist?
What is the develop and what his character?
Picking the little guy up with a bare hand would be an instantly regrettable decision. He'll for sure bite you with all his mousy might.

Picking the little guy up with a bare hand would be an instantly regrettable decision. He'll for sure bite you with all his mousy might.

Yeah, I haven't thought quite deeply what to do if he falls. One option could be to slide some sort of hard wooden/steel sheet (If I happen to find one) below the bowl and throw the little bastard inside a [font="arial, sans-serif"]pail full of water.[/font]
[font="arial, sans-serif"] [/font]
[font="arial, sans-serif"]It's 3am, no way I'll be able to find a mouse trap now.[/font]
[font="arial, sans-serif"] [/font]
[font="arial, sans-serif"]@fastcall22, I think the little bastard got scared after the second time I showed up. I wonder how much of a short/long term memory mice have...[/font]
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
The "tube" looks like to be long enough just to manually close its entrance (step on it). Then you can step on the mouse. Then you'll have some nice bread-meet stuff that you can make small rolls and fry them. Mmmm, sounds yummy.

What the hell happened to my avatar????
The trap fell by it's own... I've now placed it over the kitchen table where the bread originally was...

... I don't think he's going to buy it...
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Mice are sly and I have great respect for them. Bought 3 mousetraps. All sprung. All cheese was taken. No mouse. Dad had to stay up all night and use a similar system to yours to trap the rodent.

Why slide a sheet post capture? Put the trap on a sheet in the first place >.> And why kill it? It's not it's fault you were sloppy and let a mouse get into your house :P
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And why kill it?

Yeah, I was pondering whether or not it could be considered cruelty to kill the creature. If I, say, took a cab and traveled 10 miles away from home and let it go, and it went into some family house and peed over some children food giving them hanta-virus, leptospirosis or something, would that be better?
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
I live like 300 meters from a forest. That is not an issue for me to let it go into the wild again :) Still, I'd feel guilty of killing a mouse. Spiders, flies - why not, they invade my personal space (and in the case of spiders bite me). The mouse only tries to survive. Still, it's your choice. Should the mouse be sick, you'd have the symptoms described above, as I am sure it does pee and poo somewhere that you might not notice :P Be vary of raisins.
Disclaimer: Each my post is intended as an attempt of helping and/or brining some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone, unless stated otherwise

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