A question to the martial artists out there

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22 comments, last by ChaosEngine 12 years, 9 months ago

I find it interesting that I start the OP with what are the building blocks (cornerstone, foundation) of martial arts and the thread seems to be about what you need to win a fight. Anyway, don't mind me. Carry on.

Getting back to the point, I'm going to add humility. I've lost count of how many people I've seen walk into a dojo thinking they are "the man". They never last. There is always going to be someone better than you, and you should strive to better yourself by learning from them.
And leading on from that, honest self assessment. If you cannot identify your own weaknesses, you cannot improve on them.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Do you agree with this statement:
The 4 cornerstones of martial arts: flexibility, endurance, speed, and power. In that order.

Personally, I don't see how any true martial artist could perfect his/her craft without those 4 mastered or to its pinnacle. If you disagree, what do you think are the most foundations of martial arts?

Note: by martial arts, i don't mean only east asians fighting styles. I mean fighting style from anyone in the world: muay thai, boxing, fencing, etc.
IMO, the only really true cornerstone is discipline. The others can only be learned/trained if you have discipline.

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

98 year old woman gets highest judo rank

That's quite an accomplishment. I wonder if she'll compete in UFC?!

(note: yes, that was a joke)

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98 year old woman gets highest judo rank

That's quite an accomplishment. I wonder if she'll compete in UFC?!

(note: yes, that was a joke)

Wow, that's impressive. Kudos to her. Reminds me of an awesome documentary about two guys going for their 8th Dan in kendo. I don't practice kendo, but I recommend it to any martial artist.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

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