"Legacy of Do'Yazan" Experimental HTML5 isometric MMORPG (online demo + videos)

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-1 comments, last by Ezelia 11 years, 5 months ago
Hello All smile.png

I'm new here and I want to share with you a project I'm working on, it's an HTML5 isometric MMORPG inspired by arabic and berber culture.

at this tage, I'm focusing on the isometric engine (client side) and multiplayer aspects (server side) .
to avoid lot of talk ...etc here are some videos http://www.youtube.c...A/videos?view=0

and a link to test an online PoC: http://demo.ezelia.com

there is no quests or battle system yet, but the demo support multiplayer interactions and some simple NPCs dialogs.


comments and feedbacks are welcome !

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