eating of bytes by forum pages

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0 comments, last by megamoscha 10 years, 9 months ago


the problem is like that: I got my internet connection made through

a modem and cellular phone card - when i open the forum page

(such as list of topics it very quickly vacuums the transfer from

my connection - it can get for example 50 MB quickly and it

is terrible becouse I already lost 25% of my card by this strangeef

fect - other pages in the internet are not doing such dameg, i never

saw something lika that (except maybe when some flash adversitement

can suck it to, but here there are no such videos and i got no idea

what the damn it is. Maybe someone will know what this damn thing is.


It's because of the gif on the front page. There is a thread about animated gifs on the front page.

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