Geometry shader-generated camera-aligned particles seemingly lacking Z writing

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10 comments, last by slayemin 9 years, 7 months ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply, I thought this post had long since faded.

The (used) array size (ElemSize) grows by a factor of two for each pass so it is simply 2 << pass.

The ArraySize value is just the allocated element count of the buffer to ensure that possible thread id's in excess of this won't write anything to the buffer (since there are 64 threads per group and only the number of groups can be set at dispatch time there will usually be a few threads too many to ensure there are enough to handle everything).


I had this problem last week and I was struggling to figure out what exactly was going on. Then I found this super awesome article by Shawn Hargreaves:

He pretty much explains in perfect detail what the problem is and provides some solutions. IF you are using alpha blending, the "best" solution is to sort your objects based on their distance from the camera and draw them from back to front.

I too decided to write my billboards into HLSL code. Unfortunately since I'm using XNA, I only have the vertex shader and pixel shader at my disposal, so I can't add extra verticies as you would be able to do in DX10+. This means that I just have to include the vertex positions in the quad which gets rendered instead of inferring the vertices from a point positition. In my implementation, I take advantage of instancing which allows me to send a huge batch of vertex instance data to the GPU once, and then I let the shader process the primitive data and draw updates, using just one draw call.

Here is the HLSL code I'm using for DX9:

float4x4 World;
float4x4 View;
float4x4 Projection;
float3 CameraPosition;
float3 CameraUp;
float CurrentTime;			//current time in seconds
float4 Tint : COLOR0 = (float4)1;
bool UseWorldTransforms;
float4 Ambient : COLOR = (float4)1;			//the ambient light color in the scene
float3 LightDirection;			//a vector3 for the directional light
float4 LightColor : COLOR;		//the directional light color

const float Tau = 6.283185307179586476925286766559;

//------- Texture Samplers --------
Texture g_Texture;
sampler TextureSampler = sampler_state { texture = <g_Texture>; magfilter = LINEAR; minfilter = LINEAR; mipfilter=LINEAR; AddressU = wrap; AddressV = wrap;}; 

struct QuadTemplate
	float3 Position	    : POSITION0;
	float2 TexCoord	    : TEXCOORD0;

struct QuadInstance
	float3 Position		: POSITION1;
	float3 Velocity		: POSITION2;
	float3 Normal		: NORMAL0;
	float3 Up			: NORMAL1;
	float3 ScaleRot		: POSITION3;
	float3 EndScaleRot	: POSITION4;
	float2 Time			: POSITION5;
	float4 Color		: COLOR0;
	float4 EndColor		: COLOR1;

struct LineSegmentInput
	float3 Position		: POSITION0;
	float4 StartColor	: COLOR0;
	float4 EndColor		: COLOR1;
	float3 Velocity		: TEXCOORD0;
	float2 Time			: TEXCOORD1;
	float2 UV		    : TEXCOORD2;

struct VSOUT
    float4 Position		: POSITION0;			//screen space coordinate of pixel
	float4 Color		: COLOR;				//vertex color
	float2 TexCoord		: TEXCOORD0;			//texture coordinate

float3x3 CreateRotation(float myAngle, float3 rotAxis)
	float c = cos(myAngle);
	float s = sin(myAngle);
	float3 u = rotAxis;

	return float3x3(
	c + (u.x*u.x)*(1-c), u.x*u.y*(1-c) - u.z*s, u.x*u.z * (1-c) + u.y*s,
	u.y*u.x*(1-c) + u.z * s, c + u.y*u.y*(1-c), u.y*u.z*(1-c) - u.x*s,
	u.z*u.x*(1-c) - u.y * s, u.z*u.y*(1-c)+u.x*s, c + u.z*u.z*(1-c)

//3D TEXTURED//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VSOUT VS_3DTex(QuadTemplate input)
    VSOUT output = (VSOUT)0;

    //float4 worldPosition = mul(input.Position, World);
    //float4 viewPosition = mul(worldPosition, View);
    //output.Position = mul(viewPosition, Projection);
	output.Position = (float4)0;
	output.Color = (float4)1;
	//output.Color.r = input.TextureCoord.x;
	//output.Color.g = input.TextureCoord.y;
	//output.TexCoord = input.TextureCoord;
	output.TexCoord = (float2)0;

    return output;

//3D Textured thick lines/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VSOUT VS_3DTexturedLine(LineSegmentInput input)
	VSOUT output = (VSOUT)0;

	float age = CurrentTime - input.Time.x;
	float lifeAmt = 0;														//the life amount is a percentage between birth and death, if we're not -1
	if(input.Time.y != -1.0f)
		lifeAmt = saturate(age / instance.Time.y);

	float4 pos = (float4)1; = input.Position + (input.Velocity * age);
	if(UseWorldTransforms == false) += CameraPosition;

	output.Position = mul(mul(pos, View), Projection);
	output.Color = lerp(input.StartColor, input.EndColor, lifeAmt);
	output.TexCoord = input.UV;

	return output;

//3D colored 0px lines////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VSOUT VS_3DLineSegment(LineSegmentInput input)
	VSOUT output = (VSOUT)0;

	float age = CurrentTime - input.Time.x;
	float lifeAmt = 0;														//the life amount is a percentage between birth and death, if we're not -1
	if(input.Time.y != -1.0f)
		lifeAmt = saturate(age / instance.Time.y);

	float4 pos = (float4)1; = input.Position + (input.Velocity * age);
	if(UseWorldTransforms == false) += CameraPosition;

	output.Position = mul(mul(pos, View), Projection);
	output.Color = lerp(input.StartColor, input.EndColor, lifeAmt);

	return output;

//3D Textured Quads///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VSOUT VS_3DQuadTex(QuadTemplate input, QuadInstance instance)

	float age = CurrentTime - instance.Time.x;

	float lifeAmt = 0;														//the life amount is a percentage between birth and death, if we're not -1
	if(instance.Time.y != -1.0f)
		lifeAmt = saturate(age / instance.Time.y);

	float3 m_scale = lerp(instance.ScaleRot, instance.EndScaleRot, lifeAmt);		//linear interpolate the scale values to get current scale
	float m_rotation = instance.ScaleRot.z + (instance.EndScaleRot.z * age);	//current rotation is initial rotation + sum of rotational speed over time
	float3 m_center = instance.Position;			//this is the transformed center position for the quad.
	m_center +=  (instance.Velocity * age);

	//TODO: Handle the case where the normal is set to (0,1,0) or (0,-1,0)
	//Note: this is done in the application, not the shader.

	float3 m_normal = instance.Normal;										//the normal is going to be given to us and is fixed.
	//float3 m_up = float3(0,1,0);											//the up vector is simply a cross of the left vector and normal vector
	float3 m_up = instance.Up;
	float3 m_left = cross(m_normal, m_up);									//the left vector can be derived from the camera orientation and quad normal
	m_up = cross(m_left, m_normal);

	float3x3 m_rot = CreateRotation(-m_rotation, m_normal);					//Create a rotation matrix around the object space normal axis by the given radian amount.
																			//This rotation matrix must then be applied to the left and up vectors.
	m_left = mul(m_left, m_rot) * m_scale.x;								//apply rotation and scale to the left vector
	m_up = mul(m_up, m_rot) * m_scale.y;									//apply rotation and scale to the up vector

	//Since we have to orient our quad to always face the camera, we have to change the input position values based on the left and up vectors.
	//the left and up vectors are in untranslated space. We know the translation, so we just set the vertex position to be the translation added to
	//the rotated and scaled left/up vectors.

	float3 pos = (float)0;
	if(input.Position.x == -1 && input.Position.y == -1)			//bottom left corner
		pos = m_center + (m_left - m_up);	
	else if(input.Position.x == -1 && input.Position.y == 1)		//top left corner
		pos = m_center + (m_left + m_up);
	else if(input.Position.x == 1 && input.Position.y == 1)			//top right corner
		pos = m_center - (m_left - m_up);
	else															//bottom right corner
		pos = m_center - (m_left + m_up);

	//Since we've already manually applied our world transformations, we can skip that matrix multiplication.
	//note that we HAVE to use a Vector4 for the world position because our view & projection matrices are 4x4.
	//the matrix multiplication function isn't smart enough to use a vector3. The "w" value must be 1.

	float4 worldPosition = 1.0f; = pos;
	if(UseWorldTransforms == false) += CameraPosition;

	VSOUT output;
    output.Position = mul(mul(worldPosition, View), Projection);
	output.Color = lerp(instance.Color, instance.EndColor, lifeAmt);
	output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
	return output;

//3D Textured point sprites///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VSOUT VS_3DPointSpriteTex(QuadTemplate input, QuadInstance instance)
	SUMMARY: A point sprite is a special type of quad which will always face the camera. The point sprite
	can be scaled and rotated around the camera-sprite axis (normal) by any arbitrary angle. Because of these
	special behaviors, we have to apply some special instructions beyond just multiplying a point by the world

	float age = CurrentTime - instance.Time.x;

	float lifeAmt = 0;														//the life amount is a percentage between birth and death, if we're not -1
	if(instance.Time.y != -1.0f)
		lifeAmt = saturate(age / instance.Time.y);

	float3 m_scale = lerp(instance.ScaleRot, instance.EndScaleRot, lifeAmt);		//linear interpolate the scale values to get current scale
	float m_rotation = (instance.ScaleRot.z * Tau) + (instance.EndScaleRot.z * Tau * age);	//current rotation is initial rotation + sum of rotational speed over time
	float3 m_center = instance.Position;			//this is the transformed center position for the quad.
	m_center +=  (instance.Velocity * age);

	float3 m_normal = normalize(CameraPosition - m_center);					//the normal is going to be dependent on the camera position and the center position
	float3 m_left = cross(m_normal, CameraUp);								//the left vector can be derived from the camera orientation and quad normal
	float3 m_up = cross(m_left, m_normal);									//the up vector is simply a cross of the left vector and normal vector
	float3x3 m_rot = CreateRotation(m_rotation, m_normal);					//Create a rotation matrix around the object space normal axis by the given radian amount.
																			//This rotation matrix must then be applied to the left and up vectors.
	m_left = mul(m_left, m_rot) * m_scale.x;								//apply rotation and scale to the left vector
	m_up = mul(m_up, m_rot) * m_scale.y;									//apply rotation and scale to the up vector

	//Since we have to orient our quad to always face the camera, we have to change the input position values based on the left and up vectors.
	//the left and up vectors are in untranslated space. We know the translation, so we just set the vertex position to be the translation added to
	//the rotated and scaled left/up vectors.

	float3 pos = (float)0;
	if(input.Position.x == -1 && input.Position.y == -1)			//bottom left corner
		pos = m_center + (m_left - m_up);	
	else if(input.Position.x == -1 && input.Position.y == 1)		//top left corner
		pos = m_center + (m_left + m_up);
	else if(input.Position.x == 1 && input.Position.y == 1)			//top right corner
		pos = m_center - (m_left - m_up);
	else															//bottom right corner
		pos = m_center - (m_left + m_up);

	//Since we've already manually applied our world transformations, we can skip that matrix multiplication.
	//note that we HAVE to use a Vector4 for the world position because our view & projection matrices are 4x4.
	//the matrix multiplication function isn't smart enough to use a vector3. The "w" value must be 1.

	float4 worldPosition = 1.0f; = pos;
	if(UseWorldTransforms == false) += CameraPosition;

	VSOUT output;
    output.Position = mul(mul(worldPosition, View), Projection);
	output.Color = lerp(instance.Color, instance.EndColor, lifeAmt);
	output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
	return output;

//3D Textured Billboard///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VSOUT VS_3DBillboardTex(QuadTemplate input, QuadInstance instance)
	SUMMARY: A billboard is a special type of quad which will always face the camera, but is constrained along the
	y-axis. The billboard can be scaled and rotated around the camera-sprite axis (normal) by any arbitrary angle. 
	Because of these special behaviors, we have to apply some special instructions beyond just multiplying a point 
	by the world matrix.

	float age = CurrentTime - instance.Time.x;								//total elapsed time since birth

	float lifeAmt = 0;															//the age is a percentage between birth and death, if we're not -1
	if(instance.Time.y != -1.0f)
		lifeAmt = saturate(age / instance.Time.y);

	float3 m_scale = lerp(instance.ScaleRot, instance.EndScaleRot, lifeAmt);		//linear interpolate the scale values to get current scale
	float m_rotation = (instance.ScaleRot.z * Tau) + (instance.EndScaleRot.z * Tau * age);	//current rotation is initial rotation + sum of rotational speed over time
	float3 m_center = instance.Position;			//this is the transformed center position for the quad.
	m_center +=  (instance.Velocity * age);

	float3 m_normal = CameraPosition - m_center;							//the normal is going to be dependent on the camera position and the center position
	m_normal.y = 0;
	m_normal = normalize(m_normal);
	float3 m_up = float3(0,1,0);											//the up vector is simply the unit Y value
	float3 m_left = cross(m_normal, m_up);								//the left vector can be derived from the camera orientation and quad normal
	float3x3 m_rot = CreateRotation(m_rotation, m_normal);					//Create a rotation matrix around the object space normal axis by the given radian amount.
																			//This rotation matrix must then be applied to the left and up vectors.
	m_left = mul(m_left, m_rot) * m_scale.x;								//apply rotation and scale to the left vector
	m_up = mul(m_up, m_rot) * m_scale.y;									//apply rotation and scale to the up vector

	//Since we have to orient our quad to always face the camera, we have to change the input position values based on the left and up vectors.
	//the left and up vectors are in untranslated space. We know the translation, so we just set the vertex position to be the translation added to
	//the rotated and scaled left/up vectors.

	float3 pos = (float)0;
	if(input.Position.x == -1 && input.Position.y == -1)			//bottom left corner
		pos = m_center + (m_left - m_up);	
	else if(input.Position.x == -1 && input.Position.y == 1)		//top left corner
		pos = m_center + (m_left + m_up);
	else if(input.Position.x == 1 && input.Position.y == 1)			//top right corner
		pos = m_center - (m_left - m_up);
	else															//bottom right corner
		pos = m_center - (m_left + m_up);

	//Since we've already manually applied our world transformations, we can skip that matrix multiplication.
	//note that we HAVE to use a Vector4 for the world position because our view & projection matrices are 4x4.
	//the matrix multiplication function isn't smart enough to use a vector3. The "w" value must be 1.

	float4 worldPosition = 1.0f; = pos;
	if(UseWorldTransforms == false) += CameraPosition;

	VSOUT output;
    output.Position = mul(mul(worldPosition, View), Projection);
	output.Color = lerp(instance.Color, instance.EndColor, lifeAmt);
	output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
	return output;

//3D Vertex colors only///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VSOUT VS_3D(float4 inPosition : POSITION, float4 inColor : COLOR)
    VSOUT output;

    float4 worldPosition = mul(inPosition, World);
    float4 viewPosition = mul(worldPosition, View);
    output.Position = mul(viewPosition, Projection);
	output.Color = inColor;
	output.TexCoord = 0;

    return output;

VSOUT VS_2D(float4 inPos : POSITION, float4 inColor : COLOR)
    VSOUT Output = (VSOUT)0;

	Output.Position = inPos;
	Output.Color = inColor;

    return Output;
//PIXEL SHADERS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

float4 PS_3D(VSOUT output) : COLOR0
	//Output.Color = tex2D(TextureSampler, vs_output.TextureCoord);
	//Output.Color.rgb *= saturate(PSIn.LightingFactor) + xAmbient;

	//return tex2D(TextureSampler, output.TexCoord);

	return output.Color * Tint * Ambient;

float4 PS_2D(VSOUT vs_output) : COLOR0
	return vs_output.Color * Tint;

float4 PS_3DTex(VSOUT input) : COLOR0
	float4 c = tex2D(TextureSampler, input.TexCoord);
	if(c.a <= 0.1)
	//return c * (input.Color + Ambient);
	float3 Up = (float3)0;
	Up.y = 1;

	float LightFactor = dot(Up, -LightDirection);

	return  (c * input.Color * Tint) * saturate(LightColor + Ambient);
	//return  ((c * input.Color ) * saturate((LightColor * LightFactor) + Ambient)) ;

technique Technique2D
    pass Pass0
        VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_2D();
        PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS_2D();

technique VertexColor3D
    pass Pass0
        VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_3D();
        PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS_3D();

technique Textured3D
    pass Pass0
        VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_3DTex();
        PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS_3DTex();

technique TexturedQuad3D
	pass Pass0
	    VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_3DQuadTex();
            PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_3DTex();

technique TexturedPointSprite3D
	pass Pass0
	    VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_3DPointSpriteTex();
            PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_3DTex();

technique TexturedBillboard3D
	pass Pass0
	   VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_3DBillboardTex();
           PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_3DTex();

technique LineSegment3D
	pass Pass0
	    VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_3DLineSegment();
            PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_3D();

technique TexturedLine3D
	pass Pass0
		VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_3DTexturedLine();
        PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_3DTex();

And here is my complete rendering code for drawing quads, billboards, and point sprites using the above HLSL:

public void Render(Camera3D camera, coreTime worldTime)
	//...snipped irrelevant code...

	if (m_settings.PainterSort)

	//rebuild the vertex and index buffers if the collection has been changed.
	if (m_dirtyBuffers > 0)

	//activate our buffers
	RasterizerState rs = m_settings.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState;
	if (m_settings.DoubleSided == true)
		RasterizerState rs2 = new RasterizerState();
		rs2.CullMode = CullMode.None;
		m_settings.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = rs2;

	m_settings.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.DepthRead;
	m_settings.GraphicsDevice.Indices = m_IB;
	m_settings.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = m_settings.BlendState;


	if (m_settings.UseWorldLights)

	#region Draw Quads
	if (m_quadVB != null && m_quadVB.VertexCount > 0)
		m_effect.CurrentTechnique = m_effect.Techniques["TexturedQuad3D"];

		new VertexBufferBinding(m_VB, 0, 0),
		new VertexBufferBinding(m_quadVB, 0, 1));

		foreach (EffectPass pass in m_effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
			//m_settings.GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, m_psList.Count * 4, 0, m_psList.Count * 2);
				0, //base vertex
				0,  //min vertex index
				4, //vertex count
				0, //start index
				2, //primitive count
				m_quadVB.VertexCount  //instance count

	#region Draw Point sprites
	if (m_psVB != null && m_psVB.VertexCount > 0)
		m_effect.CurrentTechnique = m_effect.Techniques["TexturedPointSprite3D"];

		new VertexBufferBinding(m_VB, 0, 0),
		new VertexBufferBinding(m_psVB, 0, 1));

		foreach (EffectPass pass in m_effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
			//m_settings.GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, m_psList.Count * 4, 0, m_psList.Count * 2);
			m_settings.GraphicsDevice.DrawInstancedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0,
				4, //vertex count
				0, //start index
				2, //primitive count
				m_psVB.VertexCount  //instance count

	#region Draw billboards
	if (m_bbVB != null && m_bbVB.VertexCount > 0)
		m_effect.CurrentTechnique = m_effect.Techniques["TexturedBillboard3D"];

		new VertexBufferBinding(m_VB, 0, 0),
		new VertexBufferBinding(m_bbVB, 0, 1));

		foreach (EffectPass pass in m_effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
			//m_settings.GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, m_psList.Count * 4, 0, m_psList.Count * 2);
			m_settings.GraphicsDevice.DrawInstancedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0,
				4, //vertex count
				0, //start index
				2, //primitive count
				m_bbVB.VertexCount  //instance count


	m_settings.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
	m_settings.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = rs;
	m_settings.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque;

Here are both custom vertex definitions I came up with which are necessary for drawing the instanced primitives using HLSL:

public struct QuadInstanceVertex

	//Optimize only if you have been able to profile a problem with the vertex byte size. Don't prematurely optimize and over-engineer.

	/// <summary>
	/// Offset from origin
	/// </summary>
	public Vector3 Position;

	/// <summary>
	/// Particle velocity
	/// </summary>
	public Vector3 Velocity;

	/// <summary>
	/// Normal direction for the quad face
	/// Quad: Set value; PointSprite: (0,0,0); BillBoard: (0,0,0)
	/// </summary>
	public Vector3 Normal;

	/// <summary>
	/// We actually have to include the up vector for quads because we just can't derive it within the shader.
	/// </summary>
	/// <remarks>
	/// The problem with trying to derive an up direction within the shader is that the shader compiler will UNROLL
	/// all of your branching logic. If you try to write any code to avoid dividing by zero, one of the branches will
	/// take that path anyways and divide by zero, causing *visual studio* to crash. So, rather than trying to run
	/// logic in the shader, we have to run it in the application.
	/// </remarks>
	public Vector3 Up;

	/// <summary>
	/// The starting width, length, and normal-axis rotation
	/// </summary>
	public Vector3 Scale;

	/// <summary>
	/// the end width, length and normal-axis rotational speed.
	/// length and width with be lerp'd, rotational speed will be added to initial value
	/// </summary>
	public Vector3 EndScale;

	/// <summary>
	/// Crucial timing values for the vertex shader.
	/// X = Spawn time of the particle/quad
	/// Y = lifespan of the quad; 
	///       -1: always alive
	///        0: dead
	///       0+: alive
	/// </summary>
	/// <remarks>Your quad manager is responsible for removing a quad/particle when the lifespan reaches zero.</remarks>
	public Vector2 Time;

	/// <summary>
	/// The starting color.
	/// </summary>
	public Color Color;

	/// <summary>
	/// The ending color. Current value will be lerp'd between this and start color.
	/// </summary>
	public Color EndColor;

	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a particle with the following properties.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="pos">The position offset from the origin</param>
	/// <param name="norm">the normal of the face</param>
	/// <param name="scaleRot">initial length and width</param>
	/// <param name="color">initial color</param>
	/// <param name="zrot">initial rotation around the z-axis</param>
	/// <param name="endScaleRot">end length and width</param>
	/// <param name="t">x = spawn time; y = lifespan (-1: infinite, 0: dead; gt 0: alive)</param>
	/// <param name="dz">rotational speed</param>
	/// <param name="vel">velocity of the particle (if you want it to move)</param>
	/// <param name="endColor">end color of the particle</param>
	public QuadInstanceVertex(Vector3 pos, Vector3 vel, Vector3 norm, Vector3 up, Vector3 scaleRot, Vector3 endScaleRot, Color color, Color endColor, Vector2 t)
		Position = pos;
		Velocity = vel;
		Normal = norm;
		Up = up;

		Scale = scaleRot;
		EndScale = endScaleRot;

		Color = color;
		EndColor = endColor;
		Time = t;

	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a quad instance with the given properties.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="pos"></param>
	/// <param name="norm"></param>
	/// <param name="scaleRot"></param>
	/// <param name="color"></param>
	/// <param name="zrot"></param>
	public QuadInstanceVertex(Vector3 pos, Vector3 norm, Vector3 up, Vector3 scaleRot, Color color)
		Position = pos;
		Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
		Normal = norm;
		Up = up;

		Scale = scaleRot;
		EndScale = scaleRot;

		Color = color;
		EndColor = color;
		Time = new Vector2(0,-1);

	/*Note: The semantic usage index must be unique across ALL vertex buffers. The geometry vertex buffer already uses Position0 and TexCoord0.*/

	public static readonly VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(
		new VertexElement( 0, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, VertexElementUsage.Position, 1),          //12 (pos)
		new VertexElement(12, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, VertexElementUsage.Position, 2),         //12 (velocity)
		new VertexElement(24, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, VertexElementUsage.Normal, 0),           //12 (norm)
		new VertexElement(36, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, VertexElementUsage.Normal, 1),           //12 (up)
		new VertexElement(48, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, VertexElementUsage.Position, 3),         //12 (scale/rot)
		new VertexElement(60, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, VertexElementUsage.Position, 4),         //12 (end scale/rot)
		new VertexElement(72, VertexElementFormat.Vector2, VertexElementUsage.Position, 5),         //8  (time)
		new VertexElement(80, VertexElementFormat.Color, VertexElementUsage.Color, 0),              //4  (color)
		new VertexElement(84, VertexElementFormat.Color, VertexElementUsage.Color, 1)               //4  (end color)

	public const int SizeInBytes = 76;


/// <summary>
/// A vertex structure with Position and Texture coordinate data
/// </summary>
public struct QuadVertex : IVertexType
	/*So, we're gonna get funky here. The R,G,B components of the color denote any color TINT for the quad. Since we also have an alpha channel, we're going
	 to store the CornerID of the vertex within it!*/
	public Vector3 Position;
	public Vector2 UV;

	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a vertex which contains position, normal, color, and texture UV info
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="position">The position of the vertex, relative to the center</param>
	/// <param name="uv">The UV texture coordinates</param>
	/// <param name="rotation">A radian value indicating rotation around the normal axis</param>
	public QuadVertex(Vector3 position, Vector2 uv)
		Position = position;
		UV = uv;

	public static readonly VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(
		new VertexElement(0, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, VertexElementUsage.Position, 0),                              //12 bytes
		new VertexElement(12, VertexElementFormat.Vector2, VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0)                    //8 bytes

	public const int SizeInBytes = 20;

	VertexDeclaration IVertexType.VertexDeclaration
		get { return VertexDeclaration; }

Quad Class:

public class Quad
	static QuadVertex[] m_verts;
	static int[] m_indices;

	public int Key = -1;

	//This is a vertex which contains all of our instance info. You can use it as either a data container
	//or as a vertex to be used by a vertex shader.
	public QuadInstanceVertex Info;

	private void Init(Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, Vector3 normal, Vector3 up, Vector3 startSize, Vector3 endSize, Color startColor, Color endColor, Vector2 time)


		Info = new QuadInstanceVertex(position, velocity, normal, up, startSize, endSize, startColor, endColor, time);

	public Quad()

	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a quad based on the given values
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="position">The center position of the quad</param>
	/// <param name="normal">The normal direction indicates the facing direction for the quad</param>
	/// <param name="orientation">This is the orientation of the quad around the normal axis</param>
	/// <param name="size">This is the scaled size of the quad</param>
	public Quad(Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, Vector3 up, float size, float orientation = 0)
		Init(position, Vector3.Zero, normal, up, new Vector3(size,size, orientation), new Vector3(size,size, orientation), Color.White, Color.White, new Vector2(0,-1));

	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a POINT SPRITE at the given location. Use HLSL code for the rest.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="center">the center position of the point sprite</param>
	/// <param name="size">the size of the point sprite</param>
	/// <param name="orientation">the rotation around the normal axis for the point sprite</param>
	public Quad(Vector3 position, float size, float orientation = 0)
		Init(position, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up, new Vector3(size, size, orientation), new Vector3(size, size, orientation), Color.White, Color.White, new Vector2(0, -1));

	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a generalized quad for use with hardware instancing.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="position">This is the position in the game world</param>
	/// <param name="velocity">This is how much the quad moves each frame</param>
	/// <param name="normal">QUAD Only: This is the facing direction of the quad. Point sprites and billboards will derive this value based on camera position.</param>
	/// <param name="startSize">Starting scale and rotation: X = width, Y = height, Z = initial radian rotation</param>
	/// <param name="endSize">Ending scale and rotation: X = width, Y = height, Z = change in rotation over time</param>
	/// <param name="startColor">The starting color values for tinting. Use Color.White if you don't want tinting</param>
	/// <param name="endColor">The ending color values for tinting. Use Color.White if you don't want tinting</param>
	/// <param name="time">X = Birth time in gametime seconds. Y = lifespan in seconds. Set lifespan to -1 if the quad is static. Default: (0, -1)</param>
	public Quad(Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, Vector3 normal, Vector3 up, Vector3 startSize, Vector3 endSize, Color startColor, Color endColor, Vector2 time)
		Init(position, velocity, normal, up, startSize, endSize, startColor, endColor, time);

	static void BuildIndices()
		if (m_indices == null)
			m_indices = new int[6];

			//create the indicies for this quad. Note: winding order is in clockwise order.
			m_indices[0] = 0;
			m_indices[1] = 1;
			m_indices[2] = 2;
			m_indices[3] = 0;
			m_indices[4] = 2;
			m_indices[5] = 3;

	/// <summary>
	/// This gets six indicies for this quad.
	/// The indicies can then be inserted into an index buffer.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>Six indicies for drawing a triangle list</returns>
	public static int[] Indicies
			if (m_indices == null)

			return m_indices;

	static void BuildVerts()
		if (m_verts == null)
			m_verts = new QuadVertex[4];

			m_verts[0] = new QuadVertex(new Vector3(-1, -1, 0), new Vector2(0, 1));    //bottom left corner
			m_verts[1] = new QuadVertex(new Vector3(-1, 1, 0), new Vector2(0, 0));    //top left corner
			m_verts[2] = new QuadVertex(new Vector3(1, 1, 0), new Vector2(1, 0));    //top right corner
			m_verts[3] = new QuadVertex(new Vector3(1, -1, 0), new Vector2(1, 1));    //bottom right corner

	public static QuadVertex[] Verts
			if (m_verts == null)
			return m_verts;


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