Official Game / Game Engine Screenshot Thread.

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400 comments, last by Sir Sapo 19 years, 3 months ago
Quote:Original post by mikeman
Quote:Original post by benryves
EDIT: to the above poster, please put <a href="URL">CAPTION</a> around them pictures [smile] (I'm lazy, OK?)

Sorry,but I don't think Angelfire allows me to do that.

It should... how else will we view the images? It probably won't allow for <img src="URL" /> type linking though.

[Website] [+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++]

Quote:Original post by benryves
Quote:Original post by mikeman
Quote:Original post by benryves
EDIT: to the above poster, please put CAPTION around them pictures [smile] (I'm lazy, OK?)

Sorry,but I don't think Angelfire allows me to do that.

It should... how else will we view the images? It probably won't allow for type linking though.

Nope...even if I try to linkify them,all I see is a "hosted by AngelFire" picture when I click the link.
Oh, OK.
Weird. Why not grab MSN hosting or something for your pics?

[Website] [+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++]

Quote:Original post by benryves
Oh, OK.
Weird. Why not grab MSN hosting or something for your pics?

Or pick up a GDNet plus subscription (which comes with webspace) ;) | [email="matt[nospam]@pixelwrench[nospam]com"]email[/email] lethalhamster: gamedev keeps taking my money, but im too lazy to not let them
Well, I'll post my level editor, perhaps not quite up to the calibre of some of the previous stuff, but what the hell.

EDIT: html hates me
Here ya go:

Quote:Original post by benryves
EDIT: to the above poster, please put CAPTION around them pictures [smile] (I'm lazy, OK?)

A few more Z80 projects.

What did you code that with? I tried to use the BASIC in the calc, and it runs waaayyyy too slow. Did you just optimize out the ass? Or did you code in assembler?

Any tips for programming on the Ti-83 Plus's?
if( == SATISFYING){money.send(1.00,&HemoGloben);return thanks;}
Quote:Original post by HemoGloben
Quote:Original post by benryves
EDIT: to the above poster, please put CAPTION around them pictures [smile] (I'm lazy, OK?)
A few more Z80 projects.

What did you code that with? I tried to use the BASIC in the calc, and it runs waaayyyy too slow. Did you just optimize out the ass? Or did you code in assembler?

Any tips for programming on the Ti-83 Plus's?

ZiLOG Z80 ASM all the way!
#include "../"#include "../"#define	bcall(label)	RST 28h \ .dw label#define DitherBuffer SavesScreen	.org    $9D93	.db     $BB,$6D ret jr nc,StartDescription:.db "Fire Effect",0Start:	di	;Clear Dither buffer:	xor a	ld hl,DitherBuffer	ld bc,24*16	bcall(_memset)	;DITHER = 24x16FireLoop:; (1) Shift all the bytes in the buffer up one.	ld hl,DitherBuffer+24	ld de,DitherBuffer	ld bc,15*24	ldir; (2) Add a line of fire at the bottom edge of the screen.	call GetPoints	ld a,1	call SetMemory	call GetPoints	ld a,2	call SetMemory	call GetPoints	ld a,3	call SetMemory	; (3) Soften previous lines.	ld ix,DitherBuffer		ld d,15NextSoftenLine:	ld c,22SoftenAlongLine:	ld a,(ix+0)	add a,a	add a,a	ld b,a	ld a,(ix+2)	add a,a	add a,a	add a,b	ld b,a	ld a,(ix+25)	add a,a	add a,a		add a,b		ld b,0	cp 15	jr c,Make_0	cp 23	jr c,Make_1	cp 32	jr c,Make_2Make_3:	inc bMake_2:	inc bMake_1:	inc bMake_0:		ld a,b	ld (ix+1),a	inc ix	dec c	ld a,c	or a	jr nz,SoftenAlongLine		inc ix	inc ix		dec d	ld a,d	or a	jr nz,NextSoftenLine	; (4) Copy to screen, pool keypresses &c.	call RenderDither	call ionFastCopy		ld a,KeyRow_5	out (1),a	in a,(1)	cp dKClear		ret z	jr FireLoopRenderDither:	;Renders the dither to the plotsscreen.		bcall(_grbufclr)	ld hl,0	ld (X_Pos),hl	ld ix,DitherBuffer	ld (Pointer),ixNextByte:	ld ix,(Pointer)	ld a,(ix+0)	inc ix	ld (Pointer),ix	add a,a	add a,a	ld l,a	ld h,0	ld de,Dithers	add hl,de	push hl	pop ix	ld a,(Y_Pos)	ld l,a	ld a,(X_Pos)		ld b,4	call ionputSprite		ld a,(X_Pos)	add a,4	cp 96	jr nz,SaveA	ld a,(Y_Pos)	add a,4	cp 64	ret z	ld (Y_Pos),a	xor aSaveA:	ld (X_Pos),a	jr NextBytex_Pos:	.db 0Y_Pos:	.db 0Pointer:	.dw 0GetPoints:	ld b,12	call ionRandom	inc a	ld e,a	ld b,10	call ionRandom	add a,2	ld c,a		retSetMemory:	ld hl,DitherBuffer+(24*15)	ld d,0	add hl,de	ld b,0	bcall(_memset)	ret 	Dithers:	.db %11110000	.db %11110000	.db %11110000	.db %11110000	.db %10100000	.db %11110000	.db %10100000	.db %11110000	.db %01010000	.db %00000000	.db %01010000	.db %00000000	.db %00000000	.db %00000000	.db %00000000	.db %00000000#include "".endEND

Probably could be shrunk a bit... But you get the idea. FT2, the space shooter, is about 8000 lines of code in all [wow]
Erm, for suggestions I'd suggest you check out for docs and the MaxCoderz forums for friendly help and advice.
Oh, and I should post a pic, shouldn't I?

All from a scene demo I did (full animated screenshot is hyar)

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Here's the beginnings of an editor for the 2D RPG engine I'm making:

Quote:Original post by Monder
Here's the beginnings of an editor for the 2D RPG engine I'm making:

That's great looking art!

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