Added Categories to Playpile

Published August 26, 2007
I've had various people use Playpile, and I have made a note of various comments they made while using it. One of the most common first questions I get is, "What do I do?" An individual at the #nethack IRC channel on Freenode mentioned that it would be nice to have a simple way to browse through all of the games. Sure, you can do this through the Advanced Search feature, but how many people make use of that when it comes to search engines?

I have decided to list links to genres on the homepage of Playpile. This way, people who come to the site can merely click on one of the links to pull up search results on that genre of games.

Fortunately, my design allowed me to easily add the links in a way that merely does a search based on genre. The preferences that the user might have set affect the genres listing just as it would a search. It all ties in very nicely.

Also, since I order listings by date added when the search results indicate they are equivalent in relevancy, all the games listed by genre are ordered by the date added. So, users always see the newest games listed first.

Link: Playpile Game Search Engine


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How about a count of games in the service? That way you could say "OMG over a million hojillion games" as sort of a marketing thing on the front page.

It'd also be neat to have a "10 newest games" link across all genres.
August 27, 2007 09:18 AM
I will put in statements that give figures of how many games are indexed by the service. Though, I'll do that once I have an impressive amount of games.

I like the "10 newest games" idea. Some people are just concerned with playing something new, and having the service list those games would be a good thing. I'm a bit hesitant in adding it though. The number of submissions I get daily is variable so games will stay on the list for different amounts of time.

What I could do is just have a "New Games Added" link that could pull out the submissions for the last week or so. This way, all the games will be on the list for the same amount of time.
August 27, 2007 11:46 PM
Ok, I added a link that will show games that have recently been listed.
August 28, 2007 02:59 AM
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