
Your reaction to Crysis 3?

Started by January 12, 2013 08:12 AM
28 comments, last by mrheisenberg 11 years, 8 months ago

The Crysis games make me think of when Unreal was new. It was all about the engine, and nothing about the actual game content was good.

You're kidding, right?

These kinds of AAA FPS games looks so over-darkened to me, as if there wasn't enough ambient light. It doesn't look realisitic, instead I can1t really see what's going on. Okay, maybe there are settings for that, but why are demos made this dark?

Obviously stupid questions, the last AAA FPS I played was CoD 2, and it looked quite right in that regard. But these demos, not something that I can enjoy looking at.

Yeah it's pretty easy to have that problem once you start introducing things like filimic tonemapping and color grading, which are often used to boost contrast (which boosts perceived "colorfulness") at the expense of losing some of your visible range for a particular exposure value. It can be difficult to get the exposure and lighting right in a game, since you can't tweak the camera settings and lighting for each shot you can with movies.

I love it how they use Bokeh when something explodes,it feels like your head got dizzy from the shockwave or something

damn this stuff is photoreallistic

if i remember correctly, crisis 2 looked amazing in demo's, and had photo-realistic looks as well, but then the game hit shelves, and it was severely handicapped to the trailers(although i could be remembering wrong.)

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if i remember correctly, crisis 2 looked amazing in demo's, and had photo-realistic looks as well, but then the game hit shelves, and it was severely handicapped to the trailers(although i could be remembering wrong.)

The console version (and low-detail PC version) would've definitely been severely handicapped compared to the trailers.

On many of the games that I've worked on, we've had a "screenshot mode" rendering setting, which sets everything to maximum detail, and also increases the resolution by 8x (e.g. 1280x720 -> 10240x5760), which when downsampled back to the standard resolution is basically 64x super-sampling. You can achieve such large resolutions by splitting your view frustum up into a grid of smaller frustra, rendering, say a 1280x720 cell of the final image at a time, then stitching them all together.

This is used for sending out screenshots to magazines and for rendering out trailers, but is anything but real-time (real-time gameplay footage can use this mode by recording gameplay with a replay system, then playing it back in "screenshot mode").

I suppose I am one of the few who found the Crysis and Far Cry games actually quite fun to play. I'm still on Far Cry 3 right now but playing through the game with just a bow has made for quite a challenge to maintain stealth. I've actually been more disappointed by a lot of the other mega-budget AAA blockbusters by comparison (like the Modern Warfare games.. ugh). Though I am more of a casual gamer who hops on single player to get my mind off of work.

I agree with this, I liked Crysis (haven't played 2 a lot). It was pretty, fun, and had enough originality for me, anyway. The part where you go into the alien ship was one of the most interesting segments in an FPS I can remember...

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

It looks like every Call of Duty game to be released with a few new suit mechanics. Impressive graphics I guess, but gameplay wise I saw absolutely nothing I haven't seen before

Ok I must ask-the people who work/have worked in the Industry,how optimized would you rate Crysis 2 to be(if you've played it).They say it's the world's fastest renderer,but Crysis 2 didn't have much destructability to justify the cpu usage and the model/texture details were pretty low as well.I'm not sure to what extent they used dynamic global illumination,but it was still a pretty heavy game compared to Battlefield 3 for instance.

I think it looks great, though I have a good feeling it's going to follow the linear model of it's predecessor. Crysis 2 was a little of a borefest near the end(for me at least) since at that time i mainly wanted to enjoy going after those jerk Cell soldiers.

wait they keep saying they use light propagation volumes o_o doesn't that technique have a distance limit or something?

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