Loading a b3d model?

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3 comments, last by nbertoa 6 years, 11 months ago

I new here, anyways how would I load a b3d model? three files mesh,animation,skeleton

and play animation from model, new to directx.

b3d format was created by blitzbasic.


Sign, Cyndanera


Hi, Cyndanera.

Open Asset Import Library (Assimp) is used to import various 3D model formats.


Based on this link, b3d format is supported

I meant for render a b3d model on screen and loading it, and loading and playing animations.

Sign, Cyndanera

Assimp can be used to load it. Then, if you want to use DirectX, you need to decide which version to use.

If, for example, you decide to use DirectX11, then you can learn from this book or from this webpage.

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