Editor work and forest work

Published June 28, 2013
For a few reasons, I needed to rework a good part of my game editor *again*. This is at least the third time.

Here's the work I did today and yesterday, but I think I'll be able to quickly re-integrate the components from the previous editor. Most of the underlying engine code is the same.


Last post I mentioned some of the trees I've been working on. Since the world of Of Stranger Flames is predominately covered in forests, the trees need to look even better, and there needs to be alot of foliage and underbrush and things like fallen logs on the forest floor.

Also, even more importantly, different portions of the forest need to have a distinctive look and feel so it doesn't all seem identical.
Here's something I slapped together a few days ago:


I've had this 'guideline' map for awhile now, just to help solidify the shape of the world. There will be a much better map ingame - this is only for developmental purposes.

However, I layered over some trees to give a feel for the four separate wooded areas and to look at some of the colorschemes I'll use for each area. The upper-left one will probably use more redwood-esque trunks, while the lower-right forest will probably have a mix of light-brown trunks and grey birch-like trunks.

Sometime in the future I'll need to create a few more tree types. Right now all I have is something vaguely looking like a pine tree. More variation would be better. We'll see how it turns out.
Previous Entry I'd like to be a tree
Next Entry Editor screenshot
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The map looks very interesting. Are the yellow squares towns or buildings?

June 29, 2013 01:16 AM
Servant of the Lord

The yellow squares are wheatfields, in farmlands. The hard-to-see grey circles are towns and cities.

I'd had a massive usability problem on my hands if this map wasn't for internal development use only. :lol:

June 29, 2013 02:33 AM

It would be to scale if those were smurf towns smile.png

This map is strangely reminiscent of Elywnn Forest from WoW :p but I really like the diversity in terrain types and the realistic rivers. Will you have any mountains by the way? Is this the whole map or just a part of it?

June 29, 2013 03:38 AM
Servant of the Lord
This is the whole map - I think the game as a whole will check in around 30 hours of gameplay, but I'll have to measure it when the game is completed. The game will have four acts, and might be released in two seperate installments (Act 1+2, and Act 3+4).
Because you'll revisit many locations in the game as the plot advances (and as the world changes), the size of the world doesn't effect the gameplay as much as the content of the world will.
The game is semi-open world, but not entirely. It'll be a circular-ish chain of connected areas that you'll be able to travel in. After the first 1/8th of the game, you'll be able to go wherever, but the plot will still be linear.
The plan is, according to the map, for there to be:
  • 10 villages
  • 6 towns
  • 4 cities (including the capital)
Thick impassible swamps are to the south, while the ocean is to the west.
A heavy mountain range is to the north and curves to the east.
Collectively, these are the boundries of the game world, and the player never goes beyond them in this game. The mountains aren't really visited, except as cliff-like boundaries to the wilderness if you stray too far ofcourse. Plot-wise, the two neighboring colonies (to the north, beyond the mountains, and to the south, beyond the swamps) are mentioned and figure a little into the early plot of the game.
This map is a mockup of the possible scale of the game world. Each grid cell is 20 x 20 tiles. Not every grid cell will be visitable (especially not the ones in the swamp), but most will be.
20 tiles per cell, and 45 cells wide, is 900 tiles wide, maybe more if I'm underestimating how small to make the cells of the grid.
At about 5 tiles of walk speed a second, that's a full 3 minutes of walk time from east to west, assuming you are walking in a straight line, with no obstacles, and with you holding down the movement keys.
I'm thinking this should be plenty, but if not, I could add some space between the areas to create more freedom for the plot to unfold.
June 29, 2013 04:42 AM

After seeing all of this I am excited to see more. It looks like the foundation of the game is very solid. Thank you for sharing and I hope that this generates a larger following for your game.

June 29, 2013 02:47 PM
Servant of the Lord

Thanks! I hope it gets a large following as well. :lol:

June 29, 2013 03:50 PM
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