Ok, lets talk Episode III *SPOILER WARNING!*

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224 comments, last by Sagar_Indurkhya 18 years, 11 months ago
Just got back from seeing episode III which I liked but still have a few questions that were unanswered.

Who was the guy who ordered the clone troopers from episode II? I remember Obi-Wan talking about him briefly but I don't recall who he was. I've only seen the prequels once so I might have missed it.

And who tampered with the Jedi records from episode II. I remember Obi-Wan saying something like it wasn't possible but obviously that wasn't the case. I'm just wondering if they found out who did it. I'm guessing the Emperor in both cases.
I just found this. It is mostly stupid, but somewhat funny:

Episode III: A lost hope

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Quote:Original post by MagTDK
Just got back from seeing episode III which I liked but still have a few questions that were unanswered.

Who was the guy who ordered the clone troopers from episode II? I remember Obi-Wan talking about him briefly but I don't recall who he was. I've only seen the prequels once so I might have missed it.

And who tampered with the Jedi records from episode II. I remember Obi-Wan saying something like it wasn't possible but obviously that wasn't the case. I'm just wondering if they found out who did it. I'm guessing the Emperor in both cases.

The guy who ordered the clone troopers from episode II was Jedi master Sifo-Dyas. He had ordered them because he could tell the sith were going to come back and take over the republic, but the jedi council did not fully agree, so he requistioned a clone army. Shortly after, Sidious had Dooku kill him.

The person who tampered with the Jedi records was Dooku. He did this to keep the cloning project a secret just before he left the Jedi Temple.
I thought the movie was much better than the first two.

Although there are a few things that were annoying:

1. Darth Vader Scream (No explanation necessary)

2. He needs a better reason to turn evil.

3. I thought Darth Sidious was more 'evil' before he turned wrinkly. I mean he was scheming and had a very calm voice. After he turned into 'evil' mode with his 'evil' laugh and stupid grin, he went from 'truly evil' to 'comical'....

4. Jar Jar didn't die....
Quote:Original post by curtmax_0
4. Jar Jar didn't die....

Well, as part of the senate, he must have eventually (remeber the line in episode IV about the senate bring "eliminated.")
I just got back from seeing it. It was like watching the originals collide with the new ones in a giant train wreck.

Okay, it wasn't that bad. It was okay. Definitely better than the first two. The only things I didn't like about it were the frequent poor dialog, poor acting, lame CGI (I'm not a fan of CGI, especially when compared to stuff like puppetry and stop-motion that just looks so cool), and tons of inconsistencies that just didn't make sense. Not much different than any other movie these days. But this is Star Wars, it's supposed to be so much more.
I like the DARK layout!
Quote:Original post by Conner McCloud
Quote:Original post by ManaStone
- I really didn’t like the sudden transition Anakin had to the dark side.

People keep saying that. Anakin has clearly been right on the edge of the dark side since the second film. His transition took years, what more would you have liked?

Exactly. He was constantly balancing on the edge. All he had to do was choose. Now, Palpatine (probably testing him with Dooku) decided that he was ready to take the plunge, so he decided to reveal his Sith abilities and give Anakin a choice between the two. Anakin just made the wrong choice.

He had been leaning towards the Dark Side the whole time. He just never found a way in. Then his chancellor buddy suddenly turned out to be the entrance he needed.
Nein heer du smign. ah open up the nine im heer du shmine
Only thing that bothered me was if mace windu is supposed to be the 2nd most powerful jedi after yoda why did he beat the emperor after a couple minutes of badass fighting and yoda spent 2x as long as still couldn't own the emperor like mace?
then again I guess yoda saw the clone troopers turn on him before they had a chance to kill him and mace didn't see anakin's killing spree although he didn't trust him as it was...hmmm
ok I guess yoda can see the future and talk to dead jedi while mace can't..
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Quote:Original post by daviangel
Only thing that bothered me was if mace windu is supposed to be the 2nd most powerful jedi after yoda why did he beat the emperor after a couple minutes of badass fighting and yoda spent 2x as long as still couldn't own the emperor like mace?
then again I guess yoda saw the clone troopers turn on him before they had a chance to kill him and mace didn't see anakin's killing spree although he didn't trust him as it was...hmmm
ok I guess yoda can see the future and talk to dead jedi while mace can't..

I think it was all just an act to turn Anakin. He probably could have killed Mace at any time.

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Man that's damn emperor is more devious than I ever imagined if it's true!
And he sure seemed to have a lot of electricity left to throw mace across the city it seemed!
Only thing that contradicts this though is from what I understood the more one uses the dark side of the force the more one is disfigured so from the way the emperor's face was left after the fight he must've really been using all the evil force he could muster?
In the holovideos his face was always disfigured though so maybe he just got lazy,didn't care and didn't want to expend energy making his face look normal anymore?
Plus maybe the only reason Mace lasted as long as he did is cuz I remeber reading somewhere that samuel jackson told george lucas that he didn't want to go out(die) like a punk?
so maybe george humoroured him?
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe

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