Ok, lets talk Episode III *SPOILER WARNING!*

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224 comments, last by Sagar_Indurkhya 19 years ago
Quote:Original post by CoffeeMugI got a feeling they stuck as much as they could in there without giving any consideration to actual function (and common sense).
That's the main reason I don't like the episodes 1-2 (haven't seen 3 and won't go see it):
'A new hope' was cool because it got me the feeling of a romantic, deep and touching space story 'far, far away'. After that, it has grown out way too big it deserves imho, with all those side-plots, fx, etc.. Oh well, i'll stop here, i'm a romantic fool :)
Quote:Original post by Marmin
'A new hope' was cool because it got me the feeling of a romantic, deep and touching space story 'far, far away'.

Yeah, I agree. It was a great adventure with an amazing feel that you actually wanted to be a part of.
Quote:Original post by Marmin
After that, it has grown out way too big it deserves imho, with all those side-plots, fx, etc..

Yeah. The "grand vision" sort of kills the story. For example, the general in the third movie transformed into about 10 completely different (mostly bullshit) shapes. Why did they have to do that? The strategy of fighting someone who can carry four swords is actually a great idea but all these ideas are completely killed with a million extra (again, mostly bullshit) gadgets constantly popping up. It's just stupid. It leaves people completely disoriented which takes away from understand the strategy and it seems to drive the story (instead of the other way around). Anyway, I think I'll rent the originals again...
Quote:Original post by Boris Karloff
How, exactly, does a dark suit look like an angsty teenager?

through body language. Motion has style. A lot of people don't recognize that a lot is conveyed through how you carry your body. I perceived Darth Vader in the dark suit to be piss poor and not at all menacing. It just didn't feel right.
Heh, i liked it.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
I also wondered how Mace was so close to beating the Emperor and not Yoda. The answers here seem plausible. It seems they made General Grievous into a bitch. In the Clone Wars Cartoon he was a badass cyborg letting Jedi jump up to get beat down. In the movie he's a punk. Barely no real fighting skills. He just whirl his swords around then got his metallic ass handed to him. How sad.

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In Episode 5, Yoda says he killed a dark jedi on dagobah, hence why there's the dark, evil cave there.

No jedi left but obi wan, yoda, vader, and palpatine. CERTAINLY didn't see Yoda fight anything there.

That's my biggest complaint, anyways..
Quote:Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Quote:Original post by Chokki
In Episode 5, Yoda says he killed a dark jedi on dagobah, hence why there's the dark, evil cave there.

No jedi left but obi wan, yoda, vader, and palpatine. CERTAINLY didn't see Yoda fight anything there.

That's my biggest complaint, anyways..

He could have killed the sith before all the jedi were killed.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
That was pre-clone wars as described in heir to the empire. He hid there because he knew that the dark aura would block cover his light aura.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
Quote:Original post by PnP Bios
That was pre-clone wars as described in heir to the empire. He hid there because he knew that the dark aura would block cover his light aura.

With the many inconsitencies already between the books and the new movies, its really hard to quote any of the books as fact anymore..

Quote:Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Just saw it.

Must say it was overall very very enjoyable. Visually astounding (though a bit too clearly CG at times) and engaging emotionally. Did anyone else almost cry when all the jedi were being wiped out? I'm just an old softie I guess.

Sometimes I thought the CG looked a bit like something you'd see in a game. There was definite pixelation all over the place, some of the environments didn't go a long way to realism, the ships often looked flat, critters (the lizard specifically) were out of place with the rest of the scene... there were even times when I thought it looked quite low-rez and I think I saw some clipping issues... anyone who sees it again, watch as they construct Vader, the band at the end of his arm as he's struggling... seems like a cheap and quick fix that didn't fit right at all. That's just being really nitpicky though, it really did look great most of the time, the style was outstanding. I want to live on Coruscant too =(

I agree with the General Grievous comments. I didn't like how Grievous was so easily demolished in this movie by Obi-Wan, when 4 (or more) jedi in the clone wars seemed to fall against like it was nothing. 4 Lightsabers twirling and I doubt more than one was being used to attack at any given time. This was also a sadly predictable evolution from the building up of unique lightsaber fights in the first two movies. Double bladed (awsome), then two handed (w00t), I figured they'd come up with some creative new lightsaber wielding... meh, not that I can think of one. They were too close up as well, I definitely noticed that.

Obviously Vader had to live on for there to even be Star Wars 4,5,6... but honestly, if I was Obi-Wan, Anakin would have gotten a face full of lightsaber even after supposedly being burned to death. You can never be too careful =P

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